
Whew! It has been 5 years!!! I have been reflecting back on all the reasons that I decided to open my store and what was it that I wanted to do and how far did I want to take it? What motivated me and what certainly inspired me. 

When I decided to take the plunge, I knew that I wanted a brick and mortar store. Something people could walk into and be inspired by all the new products and exciting ideas all around them. I wasn't really inspired by having an on-line store but knew that maybe someday I could possibly venture down that road. My destiny was set!! I always had an urge to educate people. Now - I certainly do not profess to know it all as I have met some of the most talented people in the business and a lot of customers who keep amazing me day in day out. Educate to me is passing on information, techniques, short cuts, saving money, learning how by: Watch, Show & Do principle.  I remember when I started scrapbooking there was no such thing as YouTube - LOL and the internet was in its infancy!! 

I knew that I wanted my husband Gary to be a big part of this store and boy did he show up!! From building me a building to house the store, cutting wood for classes, helping out at crops (cooking, cleaning, set up, tear down), helping ladies with all their stuff and I mean loads of stuff that they bring to both classes and crops. He also at one point actually helped me teach one of my classes!! His nickname with the ladies is "Gary Holtz" haha!!

Such an amazing support for me, his understanding of all things financial, his even temperament, his optimism in my darkest hours.

Some of you know I had stage 3 cancer in 2015 and this shook my world, to say the least! I was ready to call it quits after the diagnosis, I thought how can this happen to me? How can it happen to me just as the store was becoming a success? Why why why?? To my amazement, I quickly learned that I have some of the most compassionate, warm and loving ladies around me who literally kicked my butt back into action and helped me decide to live and to beat this cancer and continue my dream. Thank you, Kathy and Carin, and all of you precious ladies who stepped up in my time of need.

I feel the need to reminisce as we go into our 5th year, 5 years!! What?? Wow!! Most small businesses don't survive the 5 year mark, I know that this isn't all my doing, it's the paper world! Whether you scrapbook, make cards or do mixed media it is all very current and in demand! what a wonderful community of people!! 

The day I opened (Sept 14th 2013) I stood with Gary and my BFF Pam and I prayed that at least one person would walk thru the door! By the end of the day loads of ladies had found us and our grand opening was a huge success. So of course as things evolve I knew the ladies wanted classes, I didn't plan on teaching a class for the first year, I needed to establish the store first then venture into classes and crops. Well in Nov of 2013 I had my first class lol yep, sink or swim has always been my motto!! lol

I am proud to say that I have taught endless classes, had the amazing opportunity to have the amazing Vicki Boutin as my first guest designer!! She came back 2 more times lol  The amazing Keren Tamir from Prima Marketing Inc, twice a year!! Karan Gerber from Heartfelt Creations and 49 and Market twice a year, Carin Heathcote from Crafter's Companion design team! wow! all these events plus our crops!! our Garage Sale! our Release Parties every single month!

As we venture into year 5, the one thing that I have learned is that the personal touch can not be replaced by shopping online. However, this is not to say that online shopping is bad but how do you get the personal touch included with the customers satisfaction? I have thought about this and the ladies I ship to across Canada have all commented and said it was nice to be able to reach out to me, talk one on one and feel secure with their ideas and with their purchase. 

For me I like to call it the formula 1 on 1 (customer needs:+ ideas, + options, + pricing, + shipping equals= happy customer) 
There is a place for Brick and Mortar stores, for shopping local and throughout small business! 

I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for us, but I know that I will continue to keep my head focused on the needs of my customers, stay true to the reason I opened a store to begin with. There is nothing that I love more than helping my customers, sharing in their memories, knowing and caring about them..... this is why I am so proud to be a Brick and Mortar store.

Thanks for stopping by....


  1. Lee-Anne...CONGRATULATIONS on 5 successful years! I have to say that I have really enjoyed getting to know you and appreciate all that you do for us ladies. I have learned a ton from you over the past few years and look forward to learning more. You are so talented and creatative. I love your techiques, style and your classes. Thank you for always being there in person or on the other end of the phone. Love Denise xoxox

  2. Not sure why i didnt see this post before. Thank you Lee Ann, for having an awesome store. I got to see first hand how passionate you are about this hobby, Not just about the projects you create but with your customers, how truly caring and supportive you are. I saw a few times how you offered your own product for people to try and use to see if they like it! and not many store owners do that. I saw first hand how you go that extra mile and carry their larger items to their vehicle, How your larger items ( vagabond, bigshot and Silhouette are offered at rock bottom prices for a Ss to offer hoping that customer will return and buy their add ons from you. You offer top notch service and i see bigger things coming your way. Thank you for having me come into your store the last two years to continue to inspire and teach your customers some fabulous techniques with some great manufactures. I look forward to working with you and Gary in the coming years xo
    Karan Gerber
